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Surviving Times of Economic and Social Uncertainty as a Non-Profit Organization 

Surviving Times of Economic and Social Uncertainty as a Non-Profit Organization 

Surviving Times of Economic and Social Uncertainty as a Non-Profit Organization

Non-profit organizations, alongside the rest of the world, have experienced a tremendous amount of change to the way they operate. After all, the pandemic has left them unable to secure funding, manage volunteers and employees, and in some cases, keep their doors open to the public. Fortunately, it’s possible to turn it all around, and ultimately, overcome the difficult social and economic conditions we’ve been handling.

Surviving Times of Economic and Social Uncertainty as a Non-Profit Organization 

3 Steps to Responding to a Crisis…

We’ve been working with non-profit organizations for quite a while – offering technology support, guidance, and expertise to help them thrive, no matter the social or economic conditions they’re facing. Here are the three key steps to responding to a crisis as a non-profit organization:

Protect Your Assets, People, and Mission 

First and foremost, you need to protect your organization’s assets, people, and mission above all else. This is key to ensuring you’re able to serve the community, and in turn, help those in need. So how do you protect your assets, people, and mission properly? If you’re embracing remote work or a hybrid approach with some people in the office while others work from home, here’s a few tips:

  • Identify your essential business processes, then make sure they’re handled no matter where you’re working from.
  • Deploy cloud-based solutions, such as an ERP solution or accounting software, that let you access what you need – when you need it most.
  • Create a communication plan that keeps all stakeholders informed about day-to-day operations, challenges, etc.

It’s more important than ever before to prioritize your assets, people, and mission. Ultimately, these need to stay intact regardless of the circumstances.

Prepare to Endure Through Any Challenges 

Next, it’s time to prepare for any challenges ahead of you. Even if things are going well right now, it’s important to consider all possible scenarios based on historical experience, period-to-period budgeting, and long-term strategy. This is a great time to look at the data available to you and figure out:

  • Reliable revenue streams
  • Non-essential expenses
  • Mission critical activities
  • Statutory and audit risks

In addition, management should take some time to make sure supporters are informed, the mission is preserved, and of course, partnerships are evaluated to minimize unanticipated changes.

Reimagine What Your Non-Profit Organization Will Look Like in the Future

Lastly, it’s helpful to know that your non-profit organization will change in the coming days. Once the crisis is over, organizations of all types will be different to some degree. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing. You may find:

  • Opportunities are created that fit the strengths of your organization
  • Partnerships are ended as a result of revenue loss
  • Impact is greater as a result of more economic and social uncertainty

You simply never know what’s in store, but keep in mind, you must engage members of the community along the way. Throughout all three key steps of responding to crisis, your community will serve as the foundation of your organization – helping you continue to make a genuine impact.

Our Washington DC Metro Area IT Services Can Help. 

Intelice Solutions is a leading IT services company in the Washington DC Metro area. We’re here to help non-profit organizations persevere through the crisis and keep serving those in need. Get in touch with us…

  1. Book a meeting with our team of information technology experts
  2. Discover how our IT services will help you survive and thrive through the crisis
  3. Enjoy a long-term partnership that’s focused on your success
Intelice Solutions

At Intelice Solutions, we approach every partnership with the mindset that each IT component is a crucial tool making a company smarter, more efficient, and most importantly, more profitable. That’s why our service model supports your business technology from end to end. Every Comprehensive IT strategy is based on a microscopic examination of your business processes, company culture, strengths, and weaknesses to put everyone in a position to do their best work.