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How Much Should You Expect To Pay For Washington DC IT Support for Your Small Business?
Searching For A New Washington DC IT Support Company?
If you are in the market for Washington DC IT Services, you are bound to be wondering how much IT support costs. Understanding the cost of IT services will help you determine how to allocate your budget for the next year. However, there isn’t just one simple cost to Washington DC IT Support. It depends on what you want your IT support company to handle.
Factors that Influence IT Support Cost
1. How Much IT Work Will Your Company Handle
If you own a small business and have high-quality IT techs already employed by your company, you may only need minimal assistance from an outside contractor. A lot depends on what you want your own employees to be responsible for, how large a network you have and how many users there are. Common duties of an IT support company include:
- Adding and deleting users
- Network monitoring
- Data backup
- Email archiving and filtering
- IT support for employees
- Maintaining a firewall
- Protection from viruses
- Software management
- Equipment purchasing or leasing
- Server and equipment maintenance
- Mobile device management
- Compliance management
- Application management
All of these tasks add up to a lot of work hours. If your employees are capable and have the time, they can do all or part of this list. However, if you prefer your staff work on proprietary projects, then your IT support company can take on these tasks.
2. IT Support Experience
With today’s technology, IT support is a top priority because all of our records and data are stored digitally. Therefore, you need a support contractor with experience in handling issues and resolving them quickly and completely. It is likely that your IT technicians may not have the experience needed to become a Chief Information Officer or support manager. Having a neutral third-party take on these responsibilities can reduce the likelihood of downtime.
3. How Important is Your IT to Your Bottom Line?
There are different levels of IT support offered for small businesses that you can consider. The smallest amount of support is often called a “Break-Fix” service. This service is similar to a “geek squad” or repair shop. You do minimal maintenance on your own IT at your company, and when your computers break down, you take them to someone else to service. For people who use their computers on occasion, this may be the perfect fit. However, if your computers break down often, you can end up with a costly bill.
“Per Device” service assigns a per device continuing fee generally up to $100 per month similar to an “a la carte” menu at a restaurant. You order what you need for the device within those pricing parameters. This price model may be a great fit for a small company with a few computers.
A “Per User” support model is the most commonly used by small businesses. This pricing model allows for change and growth within your company as the number of users changes. Full-service computer services tend to run in the $100 to $200 range per user. Pricing can vary by region, types of computers and how much your service covers. Most Washington IT support companies will customize their service to your company’s needs.
4. Is Having Managed IT Support Worth the Price?
The answer is up to you. If having someone be on call to repair and maintain your computer network 24/7 sounds like what you want, then it is worth it. Your IT service company will take care of everything on the list of IT duties. Washington DC IT services will have the expertise to take care of your computer system while your employees work within their own area of expertise with confidence. If an issue arises, your employees will know that it will be handled efficiently so that they can get back to work.
Consider the fact that while your IT staff may have years of experience, they still won’t have the combined experience of a dedicated IT support company staff. A team of experts can have a combined knowledge base worth 100 years of support. They will also stay updated on the newest and best ways to manage your IT, and keep your company updated as well.